Show Articles on Conservation Markets (25)
A Primer on Carbon Sequestration
Governor’s Task Force on the Creation of a Forest Carbon Program
Ecosystem Services: New Frontiers in Land-Based Resources
What are ecosystem services markets?
Conservation Almanac
Conservation Corridor Toolkit
Mitigation and Conservation Banking
Leveraging the Landscape - State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2012
The Potential for Soil Carbon Sequestration
Grasslands and Carbon - Processes and Trends
Forests and Carbon - Trends and Data for the U.S.
Forest Carbon for the Private Landowner (Part 2) - Protocols, Projects and Opportunities
Forest Carbon for the Private Landowner (Part 1) - Basics of Carbon Offsets, Markets, and Trading
Guide to Environmental Markets for Farmers and Ranchers
Innovations in Market-Based Watershed Conservation in the United States - Payments for Watershed Services for Agricultural and Forest Landowners
Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due - Increasing Landowner Compensation for Ecosystem Services
Ecosystem Service Market Development - The Role and Opportunity for Finance
Getting Paid for Stewardship - An Agricultural Community Water Quality Trading Guide
Meeting Regulatory Needs with Voluntary Conservation
Natural Resources Credit Trading Reference
Payments for Forest Carbon
Guidance for the Establishment, Use, and Operation of Conservation Banks
Conservation Banking
A Landowner’s Guide to Carbon Sequestration Credits
Show Conservation Markets Organizations & Professionals (299)
There are 299 resources serving Oxford County in the following categories: Map of Conservation Markets Organizations & Professionals serving Oxford County Biologists / Ecologists Bob Humphrey
Charles Hulsey
Daniel Hill
Deborah Perkins, M.S.
E. Ann Poole, CWS
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
Flycatcher LLC
Jeff Littleton
Jim Saxton
Leigh (Eric) Hoar
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Merlin Benner
Robert Cordes
Ryan Robicheau
Steve Spencer
Steven Young
Conservation Credit Markets BCarbon
Blue Source
Bradley Raffle
Chestnut Carbon Solutions
Climate Action Reserve
Conservation Resources
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
Ecological Restoration Business Association
Ecosystem Marketplace
Ecosystem Services Market Consortium
EP Carbon
Forest Carbon Fund
Forest Carbon Works
Forest Trends
Grassroots Carbon
Green Assets, Inc
Indigo Ag
Soil Value Exchange, PBLLC
TerraCarbon LLC
Unique Places Conservation
Fisheries Biologists Francis Brautigam
Joseph Overlock
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Sandra Keppner
Foresters Aaron R Carroll
Alec Giffen
Alfred D Schaeffer
Alvin E Yates
American Forest Management
Anita Blakeman
Barbara E. Brusila
Benjamin Povak
Bob Kilpatrick
Bret P. Vicary, PhD, MAI, LPF, CGA
Brian Reader
Bryan J Savoy
Caleb Winslow
Carl H Sanborn
Carol L. Redelsheimer
Chad Cote
Chip Love
Christopher David Stevens
Clifton E Foster
Coby Leighton
Dale Covey
Daren Turner
Darren Riggins
David C. Parker
David Degruttola
David G Cole
David G. Schaible
Duane Nadeau
Dylan Smith
Elizabeth Farrell
Eric T Therriault
Ernest L Carle
Ervin B Tower
Eugene R. Mahar
FOR Maine
Forest Land Improvement
Forest Society of Maine
Gerilyn L. Bosse
Gregory E. Foster
Gregory M Seamans
Harold K. Burnett
Hunter Manley
J. Michael Eash
Jan Santerre
Jay Braunscheidel
Jeffrey J Williams
Jeffrey Lewis
Jeffrey R Williams
Jesse Duplin
John (Jack) Chappen
John Bryant
John C. Steward
John Steward
John Wadsworth
Jon Doty
Jonathan R Scott
Jones Associates, Inc.
Karl Buckley
Keith P. Johnson
Kent Nelson
Lawrence E. Caldwell, III
Lyme Timber Company
Mallory Bussell
Marshall White
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Matt Jacobs
Matthew Jacobs
Matthew McCaslin
Megan Henderson
Mel Harder
Merle Ring
Michael Gould
Michael Maguire
Michael Richard
Mike Howie
Mike Redante
New England Forestry Consultants, Inc
Nick McDougal
Nicols Brothers Logging, Inc.
Nolan Steele
Northeast Wilderness Trust
Orion Timberlands, LLC
P. Forrest Tracy
Paula Pelletier
Peter Klachany
Peter Lucas
Philip D. Bailey, MAI
R.C. McLucas
Rene Noel Jr
Richard A Valigura
Richard G. Carbonetti
Richard Jones
Robert A Thorndike
Robert C Bond
Robert S. Cotiaux
Roger Milligan
Ronald E. St. Saviour
Seven Islands Land Company
Sherman R Small
Sr., Ralph E Dunn
Stephen D Gettle
Stephen T Pinkham
Steve Zagorianakos
The Trust to Conserve Northeast Forestlands
Thomas G. Cushman
Todd Massey
Wayne R Millen
Whitney Souers
William A Haslam
William C Jewell
William T Newcomb
Geologists / Hydrologists C&S Environmental Consulting
Jeff Littleton
Rich Campbell
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
Truslow Resource Consulting LLC
Land Trusts Alec Giffen
American Farmland Trust
BC Nature
Brenda Schick
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Ottawa Valley Chapter
Conservancy Hornby Island
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
Downeast Salmon Federation
Forest Society of Maine
Fraser Headwaters Alliance
Fraser Valley Conservancy
Gabriola Land and Trails Trust
Greater Lovell Land Trust
Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust
Islands Trust Fund
Islesboro Islands Trust
John Sanderson
Kawartha Heritage Conservancy
Kittery Land Trust
Land Conservancy for Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
Land Trust Alliance
Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia
Loon Echo Land Trust
Mahoosuc Land Trust
Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust
Maine Audubon
Maine Farmland Trust
Malaspina Land Conservancy
Michael Hart
Nanaimo Area Land Trust
Nature Conservancy of Canada
Nature Manitoba
Nature Trust of British Columbia
Nature Vancouver
New England Forestry Foundation
North American Land Trust
Northeast Wilderness Trust
Open Space Institute
Pender Islands Conservancy
Pleasant River Wildlife Foundation
Quadra Island Conservancy and Stewardship Society
Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Saco Valley Land Trust
Sage Advisors, LLC
Salt Spring Island Conservancy
Sanford-Springvale Mousam Way Land Trust
Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Habitat Trust Fund
Savary Island Land Trust Society
Silva Forest Foundation
Small Woodland Owners Association of Maine Land Trust
Societe de Protection Fonciere de Saint-Adele
Sportsmen's National Land Trust
Terrafirma RRG LLC
The Barn Group
The Nature Conservancy, Maine Field Office
The Trustees of Reservations
Trout Unlimited
Upper Saco Valley Land Trust
Vinalhaven Land Trust
Waterloo Region Nature
Western Foothills Land Trust
Wetlands America Trust
Windham Land Trust
Design Workshop
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Mitigation Banks 2009-CIM - Clark Island - St. George, ME
2009-CIM - Montsweag Brook Dam - Wiscasset, ME
2011-CWM - Sucker Brook - Horseshoe Pond Parcel - Lovell, ME
2011-CWM - Sucker Brook West Side Parcel - Lovell, ME
2013-CWM - Witt Swamp Preserve - Norway, ME
2015-SM - Crooked River-Green - Otisfield, ME
2016-DM - Beaverdam Stream Fish Access Restoration-Wesley, ME
2017-CWM - Magalloway River-Howe/McDevitt Woods - Lincoln, ME
2019 - SM - Crooked River, Scribner - Otisfield, ME
2020 - CIM - Littlefield Woods - CCLT - Chebeague Island, ME
2020 - SM - Ann Thurlow Forest - WFLT - Oxford, ME
2020 - SM - Charles Pond - GLLT - Fryeburg, ME
2022 - CWM - Buck-s Ledge 2 - Woodstock Conservation Commission - Woodstock, ME
2022 - CWM - Little Concord Pond Addition - BPL - Woodstock, ME
2022 - SM - Kezar Corridor Rolfe - GLLT - Lovell, ME
Bio-Logical Capital
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
Ecosystem Investment Partners
Field Sport Concepts, LTD
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
Restoration Systems
Seth Yoho
Natural Resource Law Attorneys Bradley Raffle
Brenda M. Buchanan
C-K Associates, Inc
Christopher J. Austin
Conservation Law Center
Cynthia M. Mehnert
David B. Van Slyke
David M. Kallin
David P. Silk
Eliza Cope Nolan
Elizabeth R. Butler
Endangered Species Law and Policy Group
Hope Hilton, Esq.
James N. Katsiaficas
Jeffrey T. Selser
Joanna B. Tourangeau
Joel Russell
Jonathan A. Pottle
Kaighn Smith, Jr.
Karen Huber, Shareholder
Legal Services Food Hub
Nick Cramer
Norman Hansen & Detroy
Patrick W. Lyons
R. Howard Lake, Esq.
Richard A. Spencer
Robert Levin
Sarah A. McDaniel
Stephen J. Small, Esq.
William E. Taylor
William L. Plouffe
William V. Ferdinand, Jr.
Riparian and Wetlands Specialists E. Ann Poole, CWS
FB Environmental
Forest Land Improvement
Jeff Littleton
Jennifer Jespersen
Jonathan Milne
Jones Associates, Inc.
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Merlin Benner
Restore America's Estuaries
Wildlife / Habitat Specialists Atlantic Coast Joint Venture
Coby Leighton
Deborah Perkins, M.S.
Flycatcher LLC
Jim Saxton
Jonathan Milne
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Merlin Benner
Michael Gould
Rewild Maine
Steven Young