The Forest Society of Maine (FSM) is a state-wide land trust particularly focused on Maine’s North Woods, the largest expanse of forestland east of the Rocky Mountains. FSM is made up of people who care about the future of this great forest, with its 5,000 lakes, its more than 4,000 acres of canoeable rivers and streams, its 12 million acres of productive forestlands, and its abundance and diversity of wildlife. We want this great and unique forest to endure. FSM has helped pioneer landscape-scale forestland conservation through the development and implementation of conservation easements to sustain the ecological, economic, cultural, and recreational values of Maine’s forests. Since the organization was founded in 1984, FSM has helped conserve more than one million acres of forestland in towns from Van Buren to Porter and Attean Township to Amherst. FSM strives to encourage thoughtful dialogue and conservation actions that encompass the full array of interests and ownerships in Maine’s North Woods.

Contact Forest Society of Maine
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of MaineLandCAN.
Forest Society of Maine is not employed by or affiliated with the Maine Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Forest Society of Maine
115 Franklin Street
3rd Floor
Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: (207) 945-9200
Fax: (207) 945-9229
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