Foresters Serving Maine
Aaron Carroll
Alderwood Farm Forestry Services - Limerick, ME
Aaron R Carroll
Alderwood Farm Forestry Services - Limerick , ME
Alec Giffen
- Senior Forest Science And Policy Fellow - Chelsea, ME
Alfred D Schaeffer
Northern Forests Llc - Owner - Gray , ME
Allyssa Gregory
Maine Forest Service - District Forester - Jefferson, ME
Alvin E Yates
- W Paris , ME
Amanda Mahaffey
U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceME
American Forest Management
- Charlotte, NC
Anita Blakeman
Woodland Care Forest Management - Forester - North Sutton, NH
Barbara E. Brusila
Mid-Maine Forestry - Warren, ME
BC Forestry
- South Berwick, ME
Benjamin Povak
Pine State Timberlands - Skowhegan, ME
Bjorn Dahl
Dahl Environmental Services LLC - Golden, CO
Bob Kilpatrick
- Limestone, ME
Bret P. Vicary, PhD, MAI, LPF, CGA
Sewall Forestry & Natural Resources LLC - President - Old Town, ME
Brett Gerrish
Prentiss & Carlisle - Bangor, ME
Brian Reader
Reader Forest Management - North Waterboro, ME
Brittany Mauricette
Downeast Forestry Llc - Baileyville, ME
Bruce Wilkins
Woodlot Management Services - Owner - Presque Isle, ME
Bruce Wilkins
Woodlot Management Services - Presque Isle, ME
Bryan J Savoy
Sappi North America - Skowhegan , ME
Caleb Winslow
Wadsworth Woodlands Inc - Licensed Professional Forester - Hiram , ME
Carl H Sanborn
Cs Forestry Services - Bangor , ME
Carol L. Redelsheimer
- Yarmouth, ME
Carolyn Pike
Purdue University: Reforestation, Nurseries, & Genetics Resources - Area Regeneration Specialist (Northeast) - West Layfayette, IN
Chad C O'Connor
- Lincoln, ME
Chad Cote
Landvest - District Forester - Fort Kent, ME
Chandler Buie
Prentiss & Carlisle Company - Bangor, ME
Charles 'Chick' Crockett
- Consulting Forester - Lincoln, ME
Chip Love
Southern Maine Forestry Services - Turner , ME
Chopper One, Inc.
- Eagle Lake, ME
Christopher David Stevens
- Lincoln, ME
Clifton E Foster
Timberstate G. Inc - Gray , ME
Coby Leighton
Dirigo Timberland Management - Forester - North Anson, ME
Conservation United
Kevin Heckinger, MBA - Higley, AZ
D. Gordon Mott
- Lakeville, ME
Dale Covey
- Groveton, NH
Daniel Simonds
MixedWood - Certified Forester/Forestry Consultant - Rangeley, ME
Daren Turner
- Professional Maine Guide - Skowhegan, ME
Darren Riggins
- Forester - Fryeburg, ME
David C. Parker
Parker Forestry Associates, LLC - Owner - North Berwick, ME
David Degruttola
Landvest Inc - District Forester - Bethel , ME
David Dow
Prentiss & Carlisle, LLC - Certified Forester/Forestry Consultant - Old Town, ME
David G Cole
- Hampden, ME
David G. Schaible
Timberland Consultants - Owner - Nobleboro, ME
David K Hall
- Cornish, ME
David L Allen
- Portland , ME
David Scheidt
- Veazie, ME
David Wardrop
Golden Forestry Services - President - Veazie , ME
Division of Forestry
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs - Albuquerque, NM
Douglas Mahan
DW Mahan - Consulting Forester - Kenduskeag, ME
Douglas W Mahan
Consultant - Kenduskeag , ME
Dovetail Partners Inc.
- Minneapolis, MN
Duane Nadeau
Forest Resource Specialties, LLC - Wilton, ME
Dylan Smith
Dirigo Timberland Management - Forester - North Anson, ME
Elizabeth Farrell
American Forest Management - Farmington , ME
Eric T Therriault
Therriault Forestry Consulting - Dixfield , ME
Erik F. Grove
Southern Maine Forestry Services, Inc. - Forester - Parsonsfield, ME
Ernest L Carle
- Grand Lake Stream, ME
Ervin B Tower
Towering Forest - Patten , ME
Eugene R. Mahar
LandVest, Inc. - Timberland Region Manager - Bangor, ME
FOR Maine
Brianna Bowman - Program DirectorME
Forest Biometrics Research Institute
- Portland, OR
Forest Land Improvement
Timothy R. Nolin - Forester - Ossipee, NH
Forest Society of Maine
- Bangor, ME
Forest Stewards Guild
- Santa Fe, NM
Frank E Spizuoco
Timber Management Service - Ripley , ME
Fredrick C Herrick
- Harmony , ME
GCA Logging Inc.
- Avon, ME
Gerilyn L. Bosse
Sewall Forestry & Natural Resource Consulting - Senior Consultant - Old Town, ME
Gordon Moore
Maple View Farm And Forestry - Monson, ME
Gregory E. Foster
Timberstate G. Inc. - Treasurer - Gray, ME
Gregory J Gorten
Moose Ramble Forestry - Clinton , ME
Gregory M Seamans
New England Forestry Consultants Inc - Oxford , ME
Hanington Brothers, Inc.
- Kingman, ME
Harold K. Burnett
Two Trees Forestry - Norway, ME
Hemard & Company
Victor E. Hemard Jr. - President - Texarkana, TX
Hugh M Porter
- Hampden , ME
Hull Forest Products
- Pomfret Center, CT
Hunter Manley
Legacy Woodlot Services - Old Town, ME
J. Michael Eash
- Sherman, ME
Jack Dirkman
Dirkman's Consulting - Waterville , ME
Jack Lutz, Ph.D, LPF
Forest Research Group - Hermon, ME
Jake Maier
Jm Forestry - Orland , ME
Jan Santerre
Maine Forest Service - Project Canopy Coordinator - Augusta, ME
Jason Mclellan
Baskahegan Company - Operations Forester - Brookton, ME
Jay Braunscheidel
Tall Pines Forest Management - President & Lead Forester - Cornish, ME
Jay Plourde
Forest Diversity Services Inc. - Owner - Cross Lake, ME
Jeffrey J Williams
- Mason Twp , ME
Jeffrey Lewis
- Morehead, KY
Jeffrey R Williams
- Limington, ME
Jeffrey Williams
Maine Forest Management - Limington , ME
Jeremiah R Pinto
USDA Forest Service: Reforestation, Nurseries, & Genetics Resources - Research Plant Physiologist, Tribal Nursery Specialist - Moscow, ID
Jeremy Miller
- Hampden, ME
Jeremy W Stultz
- Durham, ME
Jerry A Young
Forest Solutions - Winslow , ME
Jesse Duplin
Northwest Forest Management - Licensed Professional Forester - Sebago, ME
Jessica Leahy
- Orono , ME
Jim Ferrante
- District Forester - Greenville, ME
Joel Philbrook
Huber Resources Corporation - Certified Forester - New Limerick, ME
John (Jack) Chappen
Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife - Lands Management Forester - Augusta, ME
John A Harmon
- Princeton , ME
John Bryant
- Holden, ME
John C. Steward
Acadian Timber - VP - Maine Timberlands - Millinocket, ME
John E Mills
- Holden , ME
John Manganello
Baskahegan Company - President & CEO - Brookton, ME
John Steward
- Veazie, ME
John W Starrett
- Farmington, ME
John Wadsworth
Wadsworth Woodlands Inc. - Licensed Professional Forester - Cornish, ME
Jon Doty
Two Trees Forestry - Forester - Winthrop, ME
Jonathan R Scott
- Linneus, ME
Jones Associates, Inc.
Rick Jones - President and Owner - Auburn, ME
Jordan Kimball
Agroforestry Resources Unlimited Llc - East Wilton, ME
Julie Davenport
Maine Forest Service - District Forester - Norridgewock, ME
Julie Davenport
- Norridgewock, ME
Karen Johansen
Wildwood Management - Owner - Bishop, GA
Karl Buckley
Wadsworth Woodlands Inc - Licensed Professional Forester - Hiram , ME
Kathleen Brooks
- Hampden, ME
Kathryn Manende
- Alfred, ME
Kathryn Manende Hall
- Alfred, ME
Keith P. Johnson
Fitts Mountain Forestry - Holden , ME
Ken Lamond
Family Forestry - Brewer , ME
Kenneth A. Strickland, Jr.
Downeast Land Mgt. Co. - Searsport, ME
Kenneth Fergusson
District Forester - Old Town, ME
Kent Nelson
Maine Forest Service - Forest Ranger Specialist - Augusta, ME
Kevin Allcroft
- Orrington, ME
Kirby Ellis
Ellis Forestry Service - Hudson, ME
Laura Audibert
- Fort Kent, ME
Lauren Ouellette
Maine Forest Service - District Forester - Island Falls, ME
Lawrence E. Caldwell, III
L.E. Caldwell, LLC - Owner - Turner, ME
Linda Ziccardi
Alpine EcoSciences LLC - Owner - Golden, CO
Lucas Lamond
Sappi North America - Skowhegan , ME
Lyme Timber Company
- Hanover, NH
Main-Land Development Consultants Inc
- Livermore Falls, ME
Mallory Bussell
Two Spruce LLC - Operations Manager, Licensed Forester - Windsor, ME
Manuel J. Jordan
Heritage Shade Tree Consultants - Excelsior, MN
Mark Brooks
- Hampden , ME
Mark L Brown
Brown'S Forestry - Vassalboro , ME
Marshall White
Maine Woods Company - Head of Log Procurement - Portage, ME
Mason, Bruce & Girard
- Blacksburg, VA
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
- Portland, OR
Matt Jacobs
American Forest Management - Forester - Stratton, ME
Matthew Jacobs
American Forest Management - Stratton, ME
Matthew McCaslin
Dirigo Timberland Management - Forester - Casco, ME
Megan Henderson
- Silver Lake, NH
Mel Harder
Forester At Large - East Hartland, CT
Merle Ring
- Norway, ME
Michael B Howie
American Forest Management Inc - Ellsworth , ME
Michael Gould
Dirigo Timberland Management - Owner - North Anson, ME
Michael Jensen
Maine Forest Service - District Forester - Jonesboro, ME
Michael Maguire
Kezar Forestry, LLC - Forester - Lovell, ME
Michael Maines
Maines Tree Works - Gray, ME
Michael Richard
Maine Forest Service - District Forester - West Paris, ME
Mike Howie
American Forest Management - Forester - Ellsworth, ME
Mike Redante
- Bangor, ME
Mike Rochester
- Eagle Lake, ME
Mitch Kihn
- Warren, ME
Molly E London
William W London & Son - Milo , ME
Nathan Kay
Valley View Forestry Llc - Rangeley, ME
Nathaniel Vir
Sappi North America - Skowhegan, ME
National Association of State Foresters
- Washington, DC
National Woodland Owners Association
Keith A. Argow - President, Director, At-Large - Vienna, VA
Natural Capital Exchange (NCX)
- San Francisco, CA
New England Forestry Consultants, Inc
- Bristol, NH
Nick McDougal
Southern Maine Forestry Services - Maine Licensed Forester - North Windham, ME
Nicols Brothers Logging, Inc.
- Mexico, ME
Nolan Steele
Robbins Lumber Co. - Staff Forester - Searsmont, ME
Norman D Forbes
- Windham , ME
Northeast Wilderness Trust
- Montpelier, VT
Oliver Markewicz
Maine Forest Service - District Forester - Lyman, ME
Orion Timberlands, LLC
- Bangor, ME
P. Forrest Tracy
- Farmington, ME
Paul G Miller
- Washington, ME
Paul Larrivee Jr
- New Gloucester, ME
Paula Pelletier
American Forest Management - Environmental Services Manager - Milford, ME
Peter Klachany
- Shapleigh, ME
Peter Lucas
Landvest - Operations Forester - Bethel, ME
Phil Witter
Canfor Southern Pine - Environmental Manager - US Operations - Mobile, AL
Philip D. Bailey, MAI
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. - Senior Appraiser, Eastern US & International - Blacksburg, VA
R.C. McLucas
- Porter, ME
Randy Lagasse
Maine Forest Service - District Forester - Ashland, ME
Reboot Reforestation, LLC
Connor Herndon - Sales & Customer Outreach Manager - Tuscaloosa, AL
Rene Noel Jr
- Windham, ME
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Billy K. Lemons - President & Principal Consultant - Nacogdoches, TX
Richard A Valigura
- Raymond, ME
Richard G. Carbonetti
LandVest, Inc. - Vice President - Newport, VT
Richard Jones
- Auburn, ME
Robbins Lumber
Win Smith, Jr. - General Manager - Searsmont, ME
Robert A Thorndike
- Strong, ME
Robert A Thorndike II
- Avon, ME
Robert C Bond
- State Stewardship Forester - Farmington , ME
Robert C. Crane
Woodland Management Service - Consulting Forester - Stevens Point, WI
Robert Chandler
Prentiss & Carlisle, LLC - Vice President – Forest Management - Topsfield, ME
Robert Leso
- Chesterville, ME
Robert Lilieholm
University of Maine - Certified Forester - Hampden, ME
Robert Nelson, CF
- Corinna, ME
Robert R Bryan
Forest Synthesis - President/Habitat Conservation Forester - Harpswell, ME
Robert R. Nelson
- Corinna, ME
Robert S Carlton
Freeman Ridge Forestry - Kingfield , ME
Robert S Seymour
- Orono , ME
Robert S. Cotiaux
Ossipee Forest Management - New Gloucester, ME
Robert W Krantz
- Farmington, ME
Roger Milligan
St Croix Poperty Svcs - Professional Maine Guide - Baileyville, ME
Roger St. Amand
Ces - Bass Harbor , ME
Ronald E. St. Saviour
Southern Maine Guide Service - Parsonsfield , ME
Sandra Walczyk
Blue Hill Heritage Trust - Forester - Mariaville, ME
Scott Assenheimer
Canvas Natural Resource Solutions, LLC - Forester-Wildlife Biologist - Longview, TX
Scott L Nelson
- Dover-Foxcroft , ME
Scott Robinson
Prentiss & Carlisle, LLC - Certified Forester - Hampden, ME
Seth Yoho
Williams Forestry & Associates - Regional Manager - Calhoun, GA
Seven Islands Land Company
John McNulty - President - Bangor , ME
Shane Duigan
Maine Forest Service - District Forester - Gray, ME
Shawn J Bugbee
- Ashland East Unit Manager - Mapleton , ME
Sherman R Small
New England Forestry Consultants Inc - Bethel , ME
Sidney E Balch
- Brooklin , ME
Sr., Ralph E Dunn
- Sumner, ME
Stanley H Mitchell
- Addison , ME
Stephen Bodkin
Woodland Improvements Inc - Acton , ME
Stephen D Gettle
Woodland Investment Services - Jay , ME
Stephen D Macdonald
American Forest Management - Hancock , ME
Stephen Sacks
Sappi North America - Skowhegan, ME
Stephen T Pinkham
- Rumford , ME
Steve Zagorianakos
American Forest Management - Forester - Milford, ME
Teresa Davis
- Otis , ME
The Trust to Conserve Northeast Forestlands
Ted Wright - Executive Director - Augusta, ME
Thomas A Dodd
Acadia Forestry - Ellsworth, ME
Thomas G. Cushman
Maine Custom Woodlands, LLC - Durham, ME
Thomas Logging & Forestry
- Guilford, ME
Tish Carr
- Belgrade , ME
Todd Massey
American Forest Management - Forester - Milford, ME
Tyson Allen
- Danforth , ME
Voisine Brothers Logging
Ben and Joe - New Canada, ME
Wayne R Millen
Two Trees Forestry - West Paris, ME
Whitney Souers
Treeline Inc. - Vice President - Lincoln, ME
William A Haslam
American Forest Management - Farmington , ME
William C Jewell
Jewell Forestry Services - Scarborough, ME
William T Newcomb
- Norway , ME