Holland Wildflower Farm is a regional supplier of wild flower seeds. The company began as a nursery business in 1985 by Bob and Julie Holland, ecologists by training, later specializing in botany and plant pathology. We have been experimenting with native and naturalized plants from seed for 23 years. It is our goal to provide quality wild flower seed and introduce new seed varieties for use in naturalizing gardens.
Wildflower and native plant seeds for any need: highways, municipalities, landscape. Retailers can get free seed displays-- great for museums, or outdoor stores. We have an online wildflower seed store where you get the best prices in packets, ounces, or bulk amounts of seed. Good variety of seed mixes: wildflowers, habitat for wildlife mixtures, or native grass blends and regional blends for successful naturalizing. All seeds packaged with specific instructions for growing. Free consultations.
"Landscaping with wild flowers was easy, the right kind of landscaping for a busy home and family, where things come back and naturalize. I thought there must be others interested in natural landscaping using native plants. That's how Holland Wildflower Farm was born, as a need for native plants from seed." - Julie Holland
Contact Holland Wildflower Farm
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of MaineLandCAN.
Holland Wildflower Farm is not employed by or affiliated with the Maine Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Holland Wildflower Farm
Bob and Julie Holland
290 O'Neal Lane
Elkins, AR 72727
Phone: (479) 283-6709
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National service provider