Welcome to Fedco Seeds, your source for cold-hardy selections especially adapted to our demanding Northeast climate. Each year we observe hundreds of varieties, selecting only the best for inclusion in our catalogs. Through our product lines and cultural hints, we encourage sustainable growing methods. We offer a large selection of certified-organic cultivars and regional heirloom varieties. We buy products from all over the world.
Fedco has five divisions: Seeds, Potatoes, Onions and Exotics, Organic Growers Supply, Trees, and Bulbs, and sends out two catalogs annually. We work out of three warehouses on the Bellsqueeze and Hinckley Roads in Clinton, Maine. We are primarily a mail-order business and do not have a retail store. You may shop at the Organic Growers Supply warehouse in Clinton, Maine on Tuesday–Thursday 9AM–3PM. Click here for directions to our warehouses.
Our big annual retail events are our booth at the Common Ground Country Fair in Unity, Maine, the Bulbs pickup and surplus sale day, and periodic visits to other special events. We do not take phone or fax orders.
Because frosts can occur in our location nine months of the year, and the ground often remains frozen for five months from late November until mid-April, we have evolved a seasonal shipping schedule for perishable items.
- We ship trees and perennial plants only in the spring.
- We ship fall bulbs and garlic only in fall just before planting time.
- We ship seed potatoes and onion sets only in April and May.
- We ship seeds from January through October, then take a break to prepare next year’s catalog.
- We ship books, supplies and cover crops year round.
Contact Fedco Seeds
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of MaineLandCAN.
Fedco Seeds is not employed by or affiliated with the Maine Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Fedco Seeds
688 Bellsqueeze Road
PO Box 520
Clinton, ME 04927
Phone: (207) 426-9900
Service Area
Services provided in:
- Kennebec County, Maine
- Somerset County, Maine
- Waldo County, Maine