Maine Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plant Management
Jacolyn E. Bailey, Project Director Maine Milfoil InitiativeThe intent of the Maine Citizens’ Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plant Management is to provide the information necessary to write and implement an action plan that effectively manages invasive aquatic plant (IAP) infestations. Our objective is to make this a ready-to-use, nuts and bolts companion resource to assist lake groups in Maine and beyond.
The purpose of the Maine Citizens’ Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plant Management is to prepare for an invasive aquatic plant infestation and effectively manage an infestation should it occur. Methods described in this guide are based upon accepted best management practices for controlling aquatic plants effectively and in a manner that protects wildlife and habitat.
Though the focus of this guide is primarily on invasive aquatic plants, much of what is discussed may be adapted to other invasive species, such as the Chinese mystery snail (Cipangopaludina chinensis malleatais) or purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria).
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